We all have experienced touch moments in our lifes, a moment that breaks us that doesn’t let us sleep , it may be a divorce with our partner , bankruptcy or a sudden death of a family member. These situations are in did tough so you will need some time in order to accept them and move on with your life.

I) Give your self the time in order to accept these facts but don’t let them ruin you and consume your soul . Keep being social with your close friends and sharing your thoughts with them it will help you to accept your problems, to find a solution and move on. Acceptance is half of the solution as they say. So there is not a point being in denial, shit do happen and you have to accept them in order to move on with your life.

II) Find a new vision for your life. You may can’t find a new vision for your life or you may don’t have to , but you have to ask your self, is it really the problem that my wife cheated on me or i just value my self in a ruined marriage and a disrespectful partner because I don’t have my own vision and my own self value? You may start a blog , a youtube channel or start that business that it was always your dream! Remember is never too late to fight for your dream!

III) Change your bad habits and replace them with good habits. Replace watching Netflix with reading a self-help book , stop watching porn videos and find a proper girlfriend don’t consume your drained energy in even more meaningless things! You have energy you just drain your energy because you do things that don’t add value to your self and your community.

IV) Improve your eating habits , your sleep , and start exercising. If you lack of energy you will not fulfil your dreams, so having the right eating habits and not eating junk food do matter , sleeping in the same time every day in order to have a proper schedule is a life saver , exercising really boosts your energy even when you don’t want to exercise, especially when you don’t want to exercise is when you really need to exercise. Is best to do start your day with cardio and in the evening to do some weight lifting as well. Improve your energy and your body it will really boost your energy and improve your mood.

V) Remove your toxic friends and your toxic family members from your life or at least limit the time that you spend with them, but i would suggest to remove them if they keep trying to manipulate you. This is the most important thing to do because nothing it will work if your toxic friends consume your soul every day. Why in the first place to have these kind of friends? You can use the time that you will gain when your remove them from your life in order to improve your self and let your toxic friends to find other people to ruin their life. Your life is precious! Don’t waste it in meaningless relationships.

I hope to find this article helpful and to improve your life even in a small percentage.

That’s all for now!

You man

Picture of Krishna


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